Published inafrovisualismBlack Aesthetic Continual Theory: Advancing the Continual Theory of AfrovisualismAfrovisualism coins Black Aesthetic Continual theory as the continuous exploration of Black Aesthetics across timelines and chronologies…May 14, 2022May 14, 2022
Topic: AfrofuturismAfrofuturism was coined in 1993 by Mark Dery in his book Flame Wars, in an essay titled Black To The Future, a debate between Dery, and…Nov 20, 2020Nov 20, 2020
Verses from the Abstract in the Paths of Rhythm: Black Abstraction, Jazz/Hip-Hop Aesthetics, and…Norman Lewis has greatly contributed to the canon of visual art through his teaching and shaping ideas behind black aesthetics. His…Nov 29, 2019Nov 29, 2019
Afrovisualism Feature — Nay JonesBio: My name is Nay Jones and I’m a visual artist of sorts that focuses on black existence through an afro-surrealist/futurist lens. I…Nov 9, 2019Nov 9, 2019
Review — Michael Jackson’s GhostsMichael Jackson’s short film “Ghosts” was written by Mick Garris and Stephen King, directed by Stan Winston, choreographed by Lavelle…Nov 9, 2019Nov 9, 2019
Afrovisualism Feature — Terrence MolineBio: Terrence Moline is an illustrator at heart, designer by trade and community builder by freak of nature. Originally a New Orleans…Oct 1, 2019Oct 1, 2019
Afrovisualism — Feature: Aamina PalmerHaving had an eye for details since childhood, Aamina has been taking photos, capturing her surroundings, and cultivating her artistic…Sep 1, 2019Sep 1, 2019
Review: Jenn Nkiru’s ‘Black To Techno’Jenn Nkiru is best known for her 2nd unit directorial work with Ricky Saiz on The Carters music video Apesh*t, as well as in her own films…Aug 12, 2019Aug 12, 2019
Book Review: Subway Art by Martha Cooper and Henry ChalfantSubway Art was originally published in 1984, a year after the release of the 1983 graffiti film Style Wars.Jul 9, 2019Jul 9, 2019
Documentary Review: The Black Godfather“The person that’s responsible for your transition, that’s the key to changing your life.” — Bill WithersJun 17, 2019Jun 17, 2019
Book Review: Hip-Hop Raised Me by DJ SemtexHip Hop Raised Me is a hip-hop history coffee table book detailing the history of hip-hop music and culture.Jun 8, 2019Jun 8, 2019
Arthur Jafa: Visualizing a Continuum of Black Visual-Cultural Image ProductionArthur JafaJun 3, 2019Jun 3, 2019
Artists That Inspired AfrovisualismIf you have been following Afrovisualism for a while now, you may have noticed my tagline “Black Visual Culture. Blackness in a Visual…May 27, 2019May 27, 2019
Black Abstract Expression, Performativity, and Visibility in Art SpacesAbstract Expressionism is an art movement that was a began in the 1950s as a response to the post-war climate. This was the first modern…May 19, 2019May 19, 2019
Comparatives: Romare Bearden, The Roots, and Collaged Black AestheticsRomare BeardenMay 13, 2019May 13, 2019
Afrosurrealism: Binaural BlacknessFrom abstraction to isolation, the sounds of Afrosurrealism represent the present day and future-past experiences of black people through…May 7, 2019May 7, 2019
Style Wars & Wild Style: Preserving Hip-Hop Culture in FilmMy introduction into hip-hop was about 12 years ago history, was the Style Wars and Wild Style, when I discovered them for the first time…Apr 28, 20191Apr 28, 20191
Exploring Afrofuturism in Music and Visual ArtIn this post, I will be briefly discussing the aesthetics of Afrofuturism and its intersection into visual art and music through black pop…Apr 21, 2019Apr 21, 2019
Afro-Diasporic Imagery in Herbie Hancock’s DiscographyIn this post, I will be discussing the African imagery depicted on Herbie Hancock’s albums.Apr 13, 2019Apr 13, 2019